Resource Planning

The Resource Planning workspace lets you manage your resource requirements and view allocation of resources. The requirement of resources is added from the Resource Planning workspace, while the allocation of resources is done from the Products workspace. The Gantt chart shows in a single view, the requirements and allocation per role for each product of a product portfolio against a timeline. This helps you to view the exact position of requirement versus allocation and manage the resource requirement efficiently.

You can add a new requirement for a product by specifying the role, period for which the resource is required and the number of resources required for that role. You can edit an existing requirement by updating the allocation period and number of resources.

How do I add or edit a requirement?

  1. Log on to the Lazsa Platform and navigate to Resource Planning.
  2. Click + New Requirement and do the following:
    • Select a Product Line to associate with the product.

    • Select a Product for which you want to add the requirement.

    • Select the role for which you want to create the requirement.

    • Specify the allocation period for which you need the resources.

    • Specify the number of resources required for the selected role.

  3. Click Add.

How do I allocate resources for a requirement?

  1. Log on to the Lazsa Platform navigate to Products and select a product.
  2. On the product screen click the ellipsis (...) and click Resource Planning.
  3. Click Add Requirement and do the following:
    1. Select member/team from the drop down list.

    2. Select the role if you have selected an individual member.

    3. Select allocation % to specify the capacity of the resource allocated to this team.

    4. Specify the allocation period.

  4. Click Add.

Where can I see the composition of a team added to a product?

  1. Log on to the Lazsa Platform, navigate to Configuration and click Users, Roles & Teams.
  2. On the Teams tab, click the ellipsis for the team and click Manage Members.
  3. View the list of team members, their roles, allocation %, and allocation period.
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